Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Unexpected Ode

Ode to Moving 

Calmly breathing
Standing still
Gazing upon possessions
So much stuff
So much junk
Where has this all come from?

Memories lying out
On the floor
Waiting to be picked
To move on to
A new life

Throw away the sad
Wrap up the happy
Hold them close to the heart
Smiling and
And knowing that
Better times are ahead

It’s time to explore
It’s adventure time
To get perfectly lost
To discover and be amazed
At this beautiful world
Waiting to be seen
Through your eyes
Places waiting for you
To be anonymous in
A brand new place

I pack up my memories
I pack up my car
Hurt gone from my heart
It’s time
To begin again.


  1. This is one of the things I hate most to do. I like the way you describe it with more positivity than negativity. How moving brings back memories from the past and things that you cherish. You make moving sound more like starting a new adventure than a tedious task that I always see it as. I hope next time I have to move I can remember your ode to moving.

  2. Great job getting in there all the feelings of moving. I remember as a kid I hated moving but like you stated, now it feels like a new beginning. Good job

  3. Hopefully I'll be moving this next week. When I get overwhelmed at the mass amount of stuff I have, I'll read this! It's really good! I have never thought about all the positives moving can bring.

  4. "Wrapping up happy" is, indeed, my favorite part of your poem. As someone who has moved at least a dozen times in my lifetime, I also love how moving makes you forget the importance of things. You open up the last of the boxes and wonder why you bothered packing certain things.
