Monday, April 29, 2013

Grandpa Willy

Your grandfather always did what he thought was right. He worked to keep us comfortable and always seemed to want the best for me and your uncle Hap. But if there's one thing I learned from him, it's not to let pride get in the way of everything else. Don't ever be too proud to pick up a mop. Don't ever be too proud to tell the truth. When you're hurt, find someone you can talk to. Your grandma has always been a real pal to me, always understood when I was mad...I wish I had been a better pal to her. That's why I always tell you to treat your momma right. So you can talk to her if I ever make you mad. Please tell me if I ever make you mad. Families have their rough moments, but I don’t want you to ever be scared of me, or of talking to me. I could never talk to my dad, I’d always try so hard to do everything he ever talked about wanting me to do or have. It just never seemed enough. I want you to know that I am proud of you no matter what you do, as long as you’re happy. Life is too short to not spend it happy and with the people you love, like your family. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Linda's Diary


Life seems too sweet for us all right now! My boys, so proud of them and they try so hard to impress their father. Willy is away so often it's wonderful when he can be home with us for a while. Of course I understand that the money is needed but how I wish it wasn't about the money. It's not my place to say or ask Willy to stay closer, maybe work in New York. With all the things we have to pay off, the car, the vacuum, the refrigerator…all of his contacts along the coast help us so much. Maybe someday he can stay closer.



Willy came back tonight, unable to drive anymore. I finally had the confidence to ask him to ask to work in New York. He’s so exhausted he just can’t stand the drive anymore. And he’s depressed… it hurts my heart to see him falling apart the way he does. Rambling into the night and reenacting conversation from long ago. The other night I heard him going on about what sounded like another woman; I shouldn’t pry and I should be grateful that he’s stayed with me all these years, provided for me and the boys. Boys who have since forgotten all their father ever did for them. Ungrateful...things are going to have change in this household.